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 Amelia_COVERRaising Amelia

Raising Amelia is a true story. (with a small bit of fancy at the end!) I was lucky enough to rescue a baby bird and have it survive. The experience opened my eyes to the exquisite beauty, intensity and quirkiness of birds and the hard work of being a “birdlet” mom 🙂

My surprise at finding out my Amelia was a cardinal was an extra blessing. The story takes place on a couple of levels one is the actual series of events and the other about the nature of love. Whether to the wild places, the Rainbow Bridge or Avalon, our lives are a series of good-byes after sharing this amazing journey called Life. I hope to hear her beautiful voice again.

Now available for $14.95 on – amelia&qid=1449700650&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1




Goddess cover illustration


*written by Denise Torgerson and illustrated by Nancy Helena Taylor

This book is a gentle invitation for us all to choose to be the Goddess, to honor our beauty and experience the truth of what we are. I invite you to look at the Goddess Attributes within yourself and to come out of hiding and express the magnificent and beautiful human BEING that you are.

Available at